Whatever your query, we're here to advise – from information on placing an order and delivery times to size charts, buying guides and about us.

  • What do the different order statuses mean?

    When you view your order history you will be able to see the current status of your order. These statuses are:

    Order placedYour order has been placed on our system.
    Security checksYour security is extremely important to us, so we undertake various random checks on orders to verify that the details we have are valid. Do not worry if your order has this status, if we cannot validate your details our Help Team will get in touch.
    Ready for pickingWe have processed our security checks and obtained a pre-authorisation and your order is now waiting to be picked.
    Pick in progressOur Warehouse Team have begun picking your jewellery from our jewellery vault.
    Ready for packingAfter picking, we have verified that all your items are available and have passed your order to be packed.
    Order dispatchedYour order has been collected by our courier and is now on its way to you.
    Partially pickedUnfortunately, we have found that one or more items from your order are not available. Our Help Team will be in touch to discuss this with you.
    Manually heldThe order has been held until a future date, usually at your request.
    Payment errorWe have been unable to obtain payment for the order and will contact you for alternative payment details.
    CancelledYour order has been cancelled, either at your request or, for example, where we have been unable to obtain payment after contacting you for alternative payment details.

  • Can I add to my order?
  • Can I modify my order?
  • How do I see the status of my order?
  • When will you charge my credit or debit card?
  • Will I get an authenticity certificate for my items?